The Madonna of Laroque, a painting by Vinci?

After its official baptism in the church of the Holy Cross of Vinci (Tuscany) by Alessandro Vezzosi (curator of the Museo Ideale Leoanardo Da Vinci) on November 18th, what new "léonardian" clues may we find in this work?

Today we unfortunately have to admit that Leonardo's entire works are sublime, unfinished and incomplete. So when the chance puts a painting with a "léonardian phrasing" on our way, why not listen to what it has to say to us?

What one sees: The Madonna of Laroque, named after the village of the Cevennes where it was discovered, agreed to reappear on our lands after 5 centuries of wandering and hiding .The Master of the Madonna, let us call him this way for the moment as suggested by Alessandro Vezzosi , painted the Virgin Mary in a sitting position, her head leaning on the Child, lying on her lap, legs crossed whom she is breast-feeding,  while Saint John is standing at their sides.Mary's right hand
is  supporting  Christ, while she is laying   her left hand on the shoulders of the former one. The latter is holding a needle in his senestre which eye is penetrated by a gold wire, an extention of Anna's daughter's hair. His dextral is holding his emblem resting on his shoulders:a cross of reed which horizontal axis is asymmetrical and slightly inclined, forming a kind of L in italic. Bringing together the attributes referred to above, we can be in the presence of a spindle.

If the Child is naked, the Virgin is wearing   a "transparent" blouse, a red dress may be, and a blue coat with a yellow lining.

As for John, he is dressed in a simple blue-gray frock.

Behind them, on the left, the ruins of a shelter, on the right a   "window" shows a mountain lake bathed in a twilight glow. At this stage the work evokes a combination of several "léonardian" compositions :The Virgin of the rocks, Virgins with a spindle and the Litta Madonna ("diss" attributed to the Master(contested), the draft of a nursing Virgin preserved at Windsor (Royal Library 12776).

A leonardian work? How will the specialists, (4 or 5, at the most, in the world), determine the autography of this painting?

Their responsibility is huge, their reputation is concerned and science in this case is only one crutch.First they will rely on the dating analyses. Those carried out with the CNRS/CNEP of Clermont-Ferrand provide a bracket of twenty years running from the end of the quattrocento into the beginning of the cinquecento. The inaccuracy is almost natural, our nuclear bombs may explain the phenomenon. Errors excepted, the analyses of the pigments reinforce the dating. Going back to his land, an expert eye thinks he has discovered a fingerprint. We know one of Vinci .

The university of Chieti in the Abruzzi is capable of comparing them, it would provide us a second crutch. Ultraviolet and infra-red photography, in particular, have been part of the equipment of the expert for a long time.    It makes it possible to distinguish the indistinguishable, to reveal the hidden part, we will speak about it later.

The eye and knowledge: When the expert holds the painting in his hands, for the first time he notices that it has suffered the damage of time; he also notices that man has not always been very cautious with it. The one board panel of poplar of 0,48 X 0,59 cm is cut, worn, repainted and ovalized. To affix his painting "a tempera" the artist chose to cover the wood with a fine fabric of flax, it is a "leonardian" sign.

To continue in this vein, the nimbus of the Virgin, a diadem-crown made of very refined interlacings, concerns what one names the nodi vinciani, the "vincian nodes ", an element of an extraordinary interest for the  experts in  Tuscan genius. By scanning this painting anybody can see that the hand of a virtuoso  was delayed on the face of  Saint John and on the drape of the dress of the Virgin Mary.

Many studies of drafts and works duly attributed to the Master will be convened to establish whether it is  a work carried out by the one we are thinking of, or if it is necessary to seek among his most gifted pupils, Giampetrino or Boltraffio etc… the "léonardeschi" ones. In any case the realization betrays several hands and a partial autography could not satisfy us nor to pay homage to the memory of its creators!

The camera lens, a modern "camera oscura" reveals a "new" smile of the Madonna. It is "Verrocchiesque" and by extension so much Vincian!

The literary sources are less eloquent. Obviously one knows, according to the notebooks of Leonardo, that in 1478 he had painted two Virgins with the Child, of which we have lost track, but our Madonna is more recent. Obviously we are still looking for the Madonna made for Florimond Robertet, a senior civil servant of Louis XIIth and François 1st, but our Madonna does not correspond to the description given by an agent of Isabella of Este. Then the specialists will have to study all the available notes, in the wills, that of Salaï for example, to re-imagine a certainly chaotic course between Lombardy or Tuscany and the Cevennes. There is a lot find no doubt!!The adventure started seven years ago is far from being finished provided that a patron of modern times can be all ears and listen to what this painting has to say to us, a painting at which Leonardo gazed!!!